Accidental World's Fair Sighting?
You never know when a World's Fair relic might show up right in front of your eyes! Over the weekend, on a leisurely drive on the PA turnpike, what should drive by but this "car-boat." If you didn't know, these types of vehicles were a highlight of the marina area of the fair. I can't confirm this car/boat is from the fair, but it is definitely the right vintage, and it is in great shape.
Unfortunately, we weren't able to get the driver's attention, so we'll have to do some digging to find out if this is indeed from the fair. I'm just glad we happened to have a camera in the car!
boat. car. accidental find

Reader Comments (3)
Probably not from the Fair. Over 3,000 Amphicars were imported to the U.S. between 1961 and 1967, and all 50 that were made for the Fair were ivory with red tops and side trim. See about halfway down this page for a photo of a Fair Amphicar:
If I remember right, there were about 7,000 Amphibicars made. One of them is owned by a fellow near Harrison, NY and has a great license plate which describes the one medium in/on which the vehicle can't use for transit.... (I leave the plate id out of this posting for the privacy of the individual.)
That's not true about the colors, I've seen pictures of white with black trim, red with white trim and blue Amphi's at the fair. I have yet to see a picture of a White with red trim Amphi at the fair (or a Fjord green one but I'm sure they must have been there since they had the other 3 colors).